
Malaloa is a very small property on the shore road in the harbor of Pago Pago. Lena bought this in 1934 from the Gurrs. Her cousins the Huff Pritchards, owned the other half, higher up, where the entire family would gather during storms when the surf would breach the seawall.

Malaloa is a closed book, since it was divested in the 2000’s and has since changed hands several times. Nevertheless, during the trial new claims were made since “never paid” but this promptly fizzled.  (see depositions am , pm, trial transcripts, and Malaloa perjury)

Half of Malaloa (.20 acres) was deeded to Frances by Lena in October 20, 1967. Margaret insisted she was always to have the other half. The Opelles initially built a house on their half, and a BFK, Inc. company house was built on the other half. In the 1982 Agreement, (see pages___), the second half was awarded to Mike, with a provision for Margaret to buy it from him within a strict time limit. It is assumed she did so, since she took title.  Margaret sold her half in ____ to her Olo tenants the Pauls, who then left American Samoa and sold it for a handsome profit. Subsequent owners flipped it, all under the auspices of Hall. It was said Hans Langkilde was Trustee at Malaloa and signed off on Margaret’s sale, but no documents show this. The request for appointment of Hans Langkilde as Trustee was generated from the Hall offices at that time (2003). (see Langkilde) The price paid by the Pauls was controversial, given their resale asking price ($695,000).

Frances arranged on her half a lease/purchase contract with Pacific Products, which included a buyout provision they satisfied. Their half was subsequently lost to a fire; the house on Margaret’s half was lost in the tsunami of 2009, and it is said the current owner intends to rebuild one day. The Huffs had hoped to purchase it, and were mystified that Malaloa was sold outside of the family by Margaret.